domenica 25 maggio 2008

Envelopes @ LaCasa139

Le mie foto (per indie-rock) su

La recensione di Barto su

giovedì 22 maggio 2008

il mio secondo foto pass

stasera per gli Envelopes

non li avevo mai sentiti prima d'ora ma ad un primo ascolto devo dire che il disco (Here Comes The Wind) è molto carino :D un pop scanzonato, divertente e vario.

martedì 20 maggio 2008

Herald Tribune - Europe

Italian equal opportunities minister rejects 'gay pride' march

ROME: Italy's new minister for equal opportunities has angered rights groups by refusing to back a "gay pride" march because, she said, gays no longer suffer discrimination in Italy.

The appointment of Mara Carfagna, a 32-year-old former Miss Italy contestant and television showgirl, to the equal opportunities post was seen by some rights groups as a deliberate provocation by Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

Carfagna said in comments published Monday that she would not back the June gay pride event in Bologna because "gay prides are pointless."

"Homosexuality is no longer a problem, at least not the way the organizers of these demonstrations would have us believe," Carfagna said. "Gay pride's only aim is official recognition for homosexual couples, on the same level with marriage. I cannot agree to that."

"Gone are the times when homosexuals were declared mentally ill," Carfagna told Corriere della Sera. "Today there is such a thing as integration into society." She said she would sponsor seminars dealing with "discrimination and violence" against gay people.

The rights group Arcigay asked how she could say gay people suffer no discrimination in a country where they "are forced to hide their sexual orientation at home, at school and at work."

The head of Arcigay, Aurelio Mancuso, said Carfagna lived in "a fairy-tale land." He said 14 gays or lesbians had been murdered in Italy in the past two years, 50 had suffered serious attacks and thousands had been discriminated against.

The center-left government that collapsed in January failed to win legal status for same-sex unions because of opposition from Roman Catholic politicians. Italy is in a dwindling group of European Union countries that have not recognized gay marriage or civil unions.

The center-left opposition's shadow minister for youth, Pina Picierno, said Carfagna was being manipulated in the battle between Catholics and secularists over gay marriage.

The Communist politician Manuela Palermi put Carfagna's lack of backing for the march in the context of the new government's tough line on immigrants and social issues.

"Immigrants hunted down, Roma camps set on fire, a boy in Verona killed by neo-Nazis, women attacked on abortion," she said. "A racist country turning more and more Taliban, incapable of secular thought: That's the image Italy is projecting."

domenica 18 maggio 2008

He Lost Control

yes, he totally lost control.

mercoledì 14 maggio 2008

perchè c'è chi parla di "resistenza popolare"

Razzi da Gaza contro Ashqelon
colpito un centro commerciale

(dal sito

Un carrarmato israeliano

TEL AVIV - Alcuni razzi Qassam sparati dalla striscia di Gaza sono esplosi in un rione nel settore settentrionale di Ashqelon (Israele), nei pressi di un centro commerciale, dove ha provocato scene di panico.
Si ha notizia di undici feriti, tre dei quali in condizioni gravi. Tra i feriti anche alcuni bambini. Alcune persone sono ancora sepolte da detriti.

Uno dei razzi lanciati ha infatti centrato la parte superiore del centro commerciale, in quel momento molto affollato. La deflagrazione ha provocato un crollo, riferiscono testimoni sul posto.

Oggi ricorre il sessantesimo anniversario della costituzione dello Stato ebraico. A Gerusalemme è presente in queste ore il presidente statunitense George W. Bush.

Due giorni fa una donna era stata uccisa a Sderot da un razzo e venerdì un uomo di 48 anni aveva perso la vita in un kibbutz per l'esplosione di alcuni colpi di mortaio.

(14 maggio 2008)